Dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in the public university

student support policies at the National University of Rosario


  • María Luz Prados IRICE-CONICET UNR/FHyA, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • María Isabel Pozzo IRICE-CONICET/FHyA, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • María Paula Pierella IRICE-CONICET/FHyA, Universidad Nacional de Rosario




Student support policies , Educational inclusion , Social inequality, Pre-pandemic and pandemic


This article reviews the Doctoral Thesis called “Dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in the public university: student support policies at the National University of Rosario” recently defended by the author and directed by Drs. María Paula Pierella and María Isabel Pozzo. It was carried out within the framework of the Doctorate in Humanities and Arts oriented to Educational Sciences (FHyA - UNR) and a Doctoral Scholarship based at the Rosario Institute for Research in Educational Sciences (IRICE) of CONICET. This thesis aimed to delve into various aspects of the problems of entering university, the tension between inequality and inclusion, accompanying policies and the pandemic, particularly in the case of the National University of Rosario (UNR).


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How to Cite

Prados, M. L., Pozzo, M. I., & Pierella, M. P. (2024). Dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in the public university : student support policies at the National University of Rosario. Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(19). https://doi.org/10.35305/rece.v2i19.884



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