The continuous training seminar as an innovative proposal in the chair team of the Educational Enthropological Nucleus 2022


  • Gustavo Ariel Brufman Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • Micaela Giuliano Universidad Nacional de Rosario



Continuous Training Seminar, Emancipatory Pedagogies.


Thinking of ourselves within the framework of uncertain global contexts that speak to us of a unipolar world with little predictability; to which are added, in addition, the effects of a war that, although distant, impacts the economies without distinction of planetary centers and peripheries. Carrying marks of a pandemic that does not end because not only does the virus mutate, but also -and for that very reason- society and us as part of it; we then need to relearn ourselves in our teaching practices. Update ourselves and generate new experiences and devices. Recognize ourselves again in a work process with various reconfigurations, finding clues of subjective changes, systematizing work practices in gray and painful contexts. Forcing us to rearm as university teachers. But also, as trainers and trainers of new educators from other logics that support us and help us conceptualize, theorize, resist and create. To imagine and refound projects and experiences with new designs and resources. To rehearse and perfect ourselves in the very development of our own teaching work. That is why the need to share this proposal for a Permanent Training Seminar, from, and for, the chair itself in its daily dynamics.


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How to Cite

Brufman, G. A., & Giuliano, M. (2023). The continuous training seminar as an innovative proposal in the chair team of the Educational Enthropological Nucleus 2022. Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(18), 1–19.



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