
  • Claudia Liliana Perlo Universidad Nacional de Rosario, IRICE-CONICET




Culture , Dialogue, Anthropocentrism, Biocentrism , Organisations


In this work we performed a dialogic 10 atriarc between the present patriarchalanthropocentric culture and the emerging matriztic-biocentric culture. It aims to provide theoretical
and methodological tools to understand and facilitate transformative changing processes in
organisations. In this review we present the main characteristics of the dominant 10 atriarchalanthropocentic culture in our current society, Making a comparision with the characteristics of the
culture matriztic-biocentric which is emerging in the cracks of the previous one. It is a theoretical
revision work, framed in the Grounded Theory. This means that these developments have been
conceived and nurtured in our task of field in the organizational context, where we have brought into
play the perspectives developed here. The paper concludes with the bet and proposal for an urgent
and decisive turning of human culture that enables the coevolution of this species and its


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2020-12-27 — Updated on 2021-06-12


How to Cite

Perlo, C. L. (2021). DIÁLOGO ENTRE LA CULTURA PATRIARCAL-ANTROPOCÉNTRICA Y CULTURA MATRÍZTICA-BIOCÉNTRICA EN LOS CONTEXTOS ORGANIZATIVOS. Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(15), 10–22. https://doi.org/10.35305/rece.v2i15.542 (Original work published December 27, 2020)



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