A Study on Comprehensive Sexual Education Projects in Secondary Schools in Neuquén. Between Confession and Care


  • Gisela Moschini Universidad Nacional de Comahue


Sex education, Secondary school , Dispositive, Confession, Care


This paper reviews the work of my doctoral thesis entitled “Comprehensive sexual education. A study about school projects in secondary schools in Neuquén”, directed by Dr. Mirta Teobaldo and by Dr. Adriana Hernández. This research follows from a CONICET scholarship and the PHD in Educational Sciences (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires). The approach to ESI was addressed at the intersection with other educational policies, prioritizing the study of scholar projects that assume the format of workshops, analyzed in terms of dispositives. The investigation took into account not only the objectives, recipients, knowledge but also the effects produced around the regulation of bodies and school coexistence. Among the findings, it is worth highlighting the tension between confession and care as an expression of the modes of production of subjects, knowledge and power relations in the development of said devices. That is, intimate experiences are simultaneously recounted, inciting the exaltation of the self, and advocating for the teaching, guardianship and protection of sexual and educational rights.


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How to Cite

Moschini, G. (2025). A Study on Comprehensive Sexual Education Projects in Secondary Schools in Neuquén. Between Confession and Care. Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 1(20). Retrieved from https://revistacseducacion.unr.edu.ar/index.php/educacion/article/view/910



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