Art, biopolitic and virtual classes in pandemic times. Artistic works of Drawing V Group C. Career of Arts, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Nacional University of Rosario


  • Susana Haydeé Mattanó Universidad Nacional de Rosario



Biopolitic, New Daily Life, Teaching, Learning, Drawing, Pandemic


In this his article I address teaching and learning Drawing in the new virtual stage imposed by the covid 19 pandemic. I reflect on the new normal as a turning point not only in ways of life but also in ways of thinking, understanding, accepting and practicing pedagogical changes. I offer a view of the artistic disciplines immersed in a new reality marked by the loss of presenciality of teaching and learning in workshop classrooms, the absence of exchanges during the artistic production processes and the adaptation to new forms of visualization and analysis of Drawing productions in virtual classes. I conclude with student drawings as an expression of common feelings, ideas and emotions as reflection of the relationships between Art and Biopower in the new daily life.


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Author Biography

Susana Haydeé Mattanó, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Profesora Nacional en Artes Visuales (Universidad Nacional de Rosario); Licenciada en Bellas Artes (FhyA – Universidad Nacional de Rosario). Especialista en Política y Gestión de la Educación Superior (Centro de Estudios Interamericanos (Universidad Nacional de Rosario); Postítulo en Perspectivas y  Problemáticas de la Educación Técnico Profesional (Instituto Superior de Educación Técnica N°18 -Rosario, Santa Fe)



How to Cite

Mattanó, S. H. . (2022). Art, biopolitic and virtual classes in pandemic times. Artistic works of Drawing V Group C. Career of Arts, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Nacional University of Rosario . Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(17).



Artículos científico-académicos