Other origins of the universe

A strategy of decolonial pedagogy from a constructivist vision


  • Andrea Marcela Mahecha Montañez Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Jaime Yesid Motta Guaje Universidad Antonio Nariño




Education, Colonialism, Critical thinking, Didactic units, Constructivism


This article presents a didactic proposal to develop and enhance critical thinking in sixth grade children through a printed material in the form of a primer or educational text, having as a central focus, different worldviews about the origin of the universe presented and created by native peoples from different parts of the world such as: the Viking Dublin people, the American Inga people, the African Zulu people and the Chinese Leiyang people. Thus, allowing to rescue and make visible those ancestral and popular knowledge, opposing to that Eurocentric logic, which frames all fields of knowledge in the school. In this way, this proposal will provide teachers with tools framed in decolonial pedagogy, which will allow them to develop processes of reflection, autonomy and criticism of the different worldviews of indigenous peoples, allowing to make them visible and reaffirm their place in the field of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Mahecha Montañez, A. M., & Motta Guaje, J. Y. (2024). Other origins of the universe: A strategy of decolonial pedagogy from a constructivist vision. Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(19). https://doi.org/10.35305/rece.v2i19.845



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