Argentine educational financing in the last thirty years (1989 - 2019). Breaks and continuities in three political cycles


  • Pedro Fiorucci Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Alejandro Anton Universidad Nacional de Rosario



Financing, Educational system, National state, Provinces, Political cycles


This paper aims to carry out an analysis of the financing of Argentine education, paying special attention to the participation of the national State in educational investment, through the last three decades in order to establish counterpoints on the ruptures and continuities between: the period of the neoliberal governments (1989 - 2001), the period of neo-development governments (2002 - 2015) and the period of government that began with the rise of the alliance Cambiemos to the power (2015 - 2019). To carry out this analysis, we will take into account the performance and main characteristics of the country's economic accumulation model in each period, and educational investment as a percentage of GDP, national and provincial participation in educational investment will be used as statistical indicators. The use of these indicators is related to the analysis perspective that establishes a link between the fiscal situation of the national and provincial states, and its impact on educational investment. The methodological approach is mainly quantitative with the analysis of primary sources from State agencies, as well as secondary sources from specialists in educational financing.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Fiorucci, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Profesor en Ciencias de la educación (UNLP). Doctorando en Ciencias de la Educación (Fahce-UNLP) con beca CONICET. Ayudante diplomado en la cátedra de Historia, Política y Gestión del Sistema Educativo (FaHCE - UNLP). Integrante de proyectos de investigación que abordan las configuraciones recientes de la carrera académica y la inserción laboral de los doctores de reciente formación en Argentina. A su vez es integrante de proyectos de extensión que abordan la articulación del nivel secundario y la educación superior.

Alejandro Anton, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación (FaHCE-UNLP). Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (Fahce-UNLP) con beca CONICET. Ayudante diplomado en la cátedra de Epistemología de las Ciencias Sociales de la carrera de Licenciatura y Profesorado en Ciencias de la Educación (FaHCE-UNLP).


2021-06-23 — Updated on 2021-06-24

How to Cite

Fiorucci, P., & Anton, A. . (2021). Argentine educational financing in the last thirty years (1989 - 2019). Breaks and continuities in three political cycles. Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 1(16), 77–88.



Artículos científico-académicos