Assessment tasks implemented by future mathematics teachers in their didactics internships


  • Ivana Marsicano Consejo de Formación en Educación



Evaluación, Evaluación Matemática , Educación Matemática , Prácticas Didácticas , Formación Docente


This paper analyzes the characteristics, according to the type of task and the cognitive demand, of 171 assessment activities implemented in classrooms of didactic internships of 12 mathematics teacher training students for high school in Uruguay. The results show that the activities of high cognitive demand, which were designed based on the guidelines given by the research in mathematics didactics for the design of tasks and that dialogue with the current challenges of the assessment of learning in the classroom, they are separated from those used for the certification of knowledge.The findings of this paper respond to the first results obtained from an ongoing investigation within the framework of a doctoral thesis in Educational Sciences, carried out at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of the University of Buenos Aires, whose purpose is to study the ways of thinking and acting regarding the assessment of the learning of two closely linked communities: teacher educators in the field of didactics of mathematics and their students who carry out internship with groups in charge.


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How to Cite

Marsicano, I. (2023). Assessment tasks implemented by future mathematics teachers in their didactics internships. Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(18), 38–55.



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