Implications of the principle of openness in the research process from a qualitative perspective


  • Ana Paula Vieira Vilaça POSENSINO - UERN/IFRN/UFERSA
  • Maria Margarita Villegas Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA)
  • Luciana Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte



This essay proposes a discussion guided by the objective of contemplating the dimensions of qualitative research in the light of the principle of openness. To this end, we outline a methodological path that discusses openness as a principle for the definition of the investigative context (ontology), in the approach of research purposes (teleology), in its values and motivations that support the use of theory and the relationship with the subjects. involved in the process (epistemology) and, finally, the opening as a premise for the interpretation of the data obtained and the production of theories (methodology). The result is the reflection of an investigative process whose centrality is in the object of study, which is revealed as a preliminary throughout the research when it is built together with those who are close to it, in an action that starts from the researcher's openness to seek it as such. as it is presented in its original context.


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How to Cite

Vieira Vilaça, A. P., Villegas, M. M., & Luciana. (2023). Implications of the principle of openness in the research process from a qualitative perspective. Revista De La Escuela De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(18), 78–94.



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